Not So Private Privacy

Let's think Snapchat. An application that prides itself on disappearing images, a thought that makes your head tilt when you hear about it. In the back of our minds we know that concept is too good to be true but we still choose to believe it in hopes that our privacy is in good hands.

"Our privacy is in good hands," a statement that became comical after watching various TED Talks on why privacy in the world, doesn't really exist. The idea of privacy has slowly become a conversation across the globe but more specifically in the United States as the government has stooped to a whole new level of invading it.

Going back to the idea of Snapchat and its magical disappearing act; let's face it, those images we send to confidently don't actually disappear. They are there forever and someone, and I mean someone you do not even know, is able to see every little detail of your everyday life through the small selfies you take on a daily basis. When you think about it, it's really scary.

Same thing goes for any type of social media platform; once a photo, video, like, comment, etc. is out there, it is out there for good. This statement stands true regardless of whether you may have deleted it or not, posted means public, forever. So, moral of the story...beware of what you say or do on your social media sites because the eyes are always watching. Who are the eyes? We may never know.


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