My Online Footprint

People use the world-wide-web for almost anything and everything; looking for information, shopping for clothes, posting pictures, vlogs, blogs, communication across globe, ordering food...the list could go on and on.

My online footprint, if judging through the lens of Googling my name, is decently sized, but does't really give any information that could lead to meaningful assumption. The basic things that pop up are my LinkedIn profile, my Facebook profile, my Youtube account, my Pinterest, a fake Twitter account used for class, voter records and this blogger account.

My LinkedIn gives insight into what university I attend and jobs I have had, my Facebook profile is "private," so the only things visible through Google to the public is the face of my profile, so a picture of me with my dog. My YouTube account does not show much other than the thumbnail's of my videos; all of my Youtube videos are videos I created for class, so no information to reveal anything about my life.

Although those are the only things that appear on Google. I am involved in pretty much every social media platform. Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and even VSCO. All of my accounts are private and I am very specific when it comes to who I allow to view my profile. I don't tweet or post on Facebook; I only share quotes or videos related to news or humor. I post photos during special occasions on Instagram, but Snapchat is my best friend.

For every and all of my social media accounts I have given a fake phone number as well as email. The creation of each account requires an email and more than likely, a phone number as well, which is why you have to provide one. Some people don't pay attention to the sites underlying intentions and give out their actual information, but I haven't ever done so.

I really do believe that social media makes people lonely. People begin to turn to social media and spend ours scrolling through Instagram or Twitter rather than having any real human interaction. They live an alternative life and care more about people's approval of them through a screen than face-to-face. 


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