Communication Technology Fuels Revolutions

We commonly hear people say that technology and social media are ruining the world. We hear it from old people, young people and everything in between, but what some of us don't think about is how much it has positively impacted so many things in our society.

We talk about how it sets false realities, how it consumes our 24 hour day, how it makes us melt into one huge similarity...the list goes on. What about how social media has helped us raise money for cancer research or large charities and how social media has helped spread word on missing children? A big one to think about is how social media starts and fuels revolutions.

Just recently, Lebanon, one of the smallest Middle Eastern countries, erupted in protests that spread across the entire country. What started the revolutions? Political corruption has gone on for quite some time now and the Lebanese people decided they had enough.

Millions of people took the streets peacefully protesting the half-ass democracy the government had created. We saw streets closed down, a human chain that spanned across the whole country, women taking the forefront and many more acts of heroism. What pushed these events and acts into play? A post on social media. A 140 character tweet, an infographic on Facebook, an Instagram story, fueled a monumental movement; one of the biggest movements Lebanon has ever seen.

Social media has a huge impact on us as people; yes, there are many negative things that come along with it, but use it wisely, watch your words and you could change the world. 


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