Technology Apocolypse

Social media has forever changed the way people interact with one another. Technological communication channels are becoming more and more prominent which results in a loss of social interaction skills. Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have become the main way of communication for young adults not only in America but around the world. 

With this, people are often consumed in the constant satisfaction that social media gives you. With a smart phone you never feel disconnected, yet in reality you are. 

Face-to-face interaction has lost its importance, and as the generations get younger, this becomes more prominent. Basic skills such as eye contact, body language, and non-verbal signals are lacking in young individuals. Many of these platforms are fast-paced and allow users to share information instantly. The overload of information is stimulating enough to attract people to return again and again. Social Media will continue to become increasingly integrated into our lives, and we as a society need to establish limitations. It is important that we remember to put our phones down, no matter how connected we may feel, and live in the moment. Though social media is only ten years old it has already made a huge impact and the possibilities for its future are endless. 

Sit down, take a step back, and think about the ways social media is affecting your life.


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