Cellular Suicide

We look to technology for insight and we never look back; we become stuck. We become stuck looking at a screen filled with words, images and people beyond our reach. Our phone screens are another dimension that we as a society fall into the minute we wake up in the mornings and it blinds us until we close our eyes to fall asleep.

Our ability to see truth has been stolen from us; we look up to plastic surgery, fraudulent finances and false realities. We want to look like face-tuned Instagram models and if we don't, we hate ourselves; we want to get an absurd amount of likes on our social media posts and we pretend our lives are picture perfect when they're not; we spend money on material things to look like famous You-tubers instead of donating it to people who actually need it. We are losing sight of what is important and why?

We are so stuck in our own cell phones that we forget what the person we spend everyday with looks like. We value shooting a text over the risk of taking a life; basic human decency is being sacrificed because society's grasp on their iPhone is too tight to let go of. 


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