Unique Personalities or Obvious Warning Signs

As mass shootings become the norm in the United States, warning signs become harder and harder to recognize. The number of mass shootings this year alone has surpassed the number of days we have had this year. One minute America is in an outrage and twenty seconds later they forget; this is what we see happening with obvious signs of potential extreme gun violence occurrences.

We claim that social media sites keep us connected, updated and informed but are we picking and choosing the wrong things to pay attention to? Most, if not all, mass shootings are done with intention ,and nine times out of ten there are red flags that foreshadow the violent rampage. Society revolves around technology; we catch onto dance trends, popular fashion styles, cool make up looks, sorority bid day videos, the list could go on, but what we fail to pay attention to the things that matter. We lose sight of the things that make us safe, we lose sight of the fact that in today's day in age you have to wake up every morning looking over your shoulder or walking on egg shells in case a guy with a gun decides he wants to be a guy with a gun.

If mass shootings are so common and it has been proven that social media has been a safe place for them to express their ideas, why haven't we done something about this? Twitter is used to express thoughts, ideas and opinions; Facebook is used to share trending content and watch videos you deem interesting, Instagram is used to share photos and create captions, Snapchat is used as an excuse to take selfies, but each one has their purpose and each one has been used by these mass shooters as a safe space to indulge in the idea of killing people. Killing you and killing me. It is easy to scroll past small hints of evidence, but think a little harder and open your eyes a little wider because you could be scrolling past someone's life.

There have been over 8,000 deaths in America this year caused by mass shootings. That's 8,000 friends, 8,000 family members and 8,000 American citizens we let slip through the carelessness of social media. Yes, one could argue the pros and cons of social media all day but the reality is that social media is used as a safe haven for types of people to share every little aspect of their lives, even the bad ones. So, pay attention and save a life. 


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