To Love or Not to Love Technology

As the years fly by, technological advancements exceed expectations. We have gone from telephones the size of your left arm to devices you can fit in your pocket, we went from waiting to get on the internet for 30 minutes to having it wherever we go, we went from not knowing what the other side of the world looks like to meeting people from 5,691 miles away, online; it's crazy, no?

I am sure the list of why the online world has benefitted us could on and on, but have we stopped to look around and see what it hasn't done for us?

Instagram, Snapchat, Vsco, Twitter, Tik Tok and Facebook. Am I missing anything? These six platforms have consumed not only the younger generation but every generation. It is as easy as the click of a button to have any of these applications on your phone. Anyone can gain access to them, yes I said anyone; twelve year olds, college professors, restaurant owners, my great aunt Lucy, Donald Trump, ISIS members, etc. You get the point. There are no informational tutorials on how to use anything on the application, there is no "what to do, what not to do" list, no identification verification system, nothing. You put your trust in technology and they run with it. What's the issue many people ask? No one is seeing that information but the "tech" folks behind the scenes, right?


Your information is everywhere. From your first and last name, to your birthday, to your phone number. Even when you think your information is being kept from the public world, glitches happen, we can't expect technology to be flawless and there for us ALL the time. Let's take a look at what happened with a Facebook database that went offline and exposed users' phone numbers that could be matched with their accounts. Users weren't even aware of this incident until it was discovered by a researcher who was floating around on the world wide web one day, and the unsolicited phone calls people were receiving from scammers and random individuals around the world, finally made sense.

Moral of the blog post is, be careful where you put your information, there are always people watching.


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